It’s been a while

What with school, family and work I haven’t had any time for this blog. I sure have thought about it a lot since I’ve been gone. I’ve also been watching ‘How I Met Your Mother’ on since the first episode. But I have been keeping on with my journey through music and I’ve also been expanding my collection as well. I’ve finally gotten all the Creedence albums and started listening to them from the first. The fortieth anniversary remastered versions of the Creedence albums sound absolutely amazing.

During the last few months I posted my sixth album and I’ve started working on ‘Consumed’. That album is really unfinished and I’d like to get back to it. There is even two chapters that I never released that I need to get back to. It’s the album I’ve always wanted to do some justice to. It was originally just one piece of music that I would play on guitar that I could never really figure out how to record. The demo I made of the composition, back in 2001, was 17 minutes long. It was the longest (at the time) piece of music I had ever composed. I need a real record producer for this one, but I’ll do the best I can.

7 months later…..

Okay so I just found the above draft of what I wrote back in late May. I apologize for not keeping up with this project but I do have plenty of excuses. School has been an ass kicker, then came summer and pool time and I got back into World Of Warcraft. I stopped playing guitar for a while but then I got an email from my old music partner Charles and I have been practicing guitar a lot now.

I’ve quit WoW and the year is winding down and I am almost done with school for the year as well. Music. Well that is a story as well. I guess it was inevitable that I would find my way back into heavy metal but now I am in deep. I’ve been reading a lot about all the different sub-genres of metal and have gotten into progressive and technical metal. I really love this stuff. I spend a lot of time on my computer organizing my mp3s so that my iPod is very organized. Getting a little manic about it all. I hope to share where my journey has taken me this year soon.

~ by nilentropy on December 17, 2014.

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